A 501(c)(3) Organization

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OUR  Mission

What we are all about and why.


Our main mission is to hold the city accountable for the health, safety and welfare of all the city residents of Yamhill and to identify and present factual information and documentation to the council, mayor and other city committees.


The Yamhill Neighborhood Association (Y.N.A,) plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being and safety of all residents in the city of Yamhill. As a non-profit organization, one of their missions is to advocate for the health, safety, and welfare of the community members. In times of disaster, this dedication becomes even more crucial, as they work to hold the city accountable and provide essential support and resources to all city residents.


In addition to their advocacy work, the Yamhill Neighborhood Association also offers ongoing disaster preparedness classes to equip residents with the knowledge and skills needed to handle emergencies effectively. These classes are designed to empower individuals and families to be proactive in safeguarding themselves, their neighbors, and their community in the face of unexpected events. By promoting preparedness and resilience, Y.N.A. contributes to creating a safer and more secure environment for everyone in Yamhill.


In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or emergencies, having a designated shelter can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety and well-being of those affected. Yamhill Neighborhood Association collaborates with the city to identify and establish our Y/C High School Gym as a shelter where residents can seek refuge and receive assistance during times. By helping to provide this essential service, Y.N.A. demonstrates its commitment to serving the community and supporting the city of Yamhill and individuals in times of real natural disasters or emergencies.


Questions to the city that have not been answered.



(503) 662-2104


( All calls are LOCAL )

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Analisys of the City of Yamhill Documents

Take a close look at the Documents

By going to our Documents page you can find most Yamhill city documents to review and discuss with us as a member.

As a member you can come to our monthly meeting

We hold monthly meeting to discuss the most important topics of the city of Yamhill.

Once a member you can voice your concerns

As a member you can voice your concerns regarding the next Yamhill city council meeting agenda at one of our meetings.


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